Success Hypnosis

Success Hypnosis

Change Your Mind, Change Your Life!

Free Consultations, Call (503) 442-6221

Choose a service to schedule

Free Phone Consultation

Free Phone Consultation - $0 (call for appointment)
Call (503) 442-6221

New Client

Intake Session - In Person - $250
New client session held in person (90 mins - 2 hours)
New Client - Virtual Visit - $250
Remote session for new clients by video or phone.

Return Client

Follow up - In Person - $150
Return client session (60 mins).
Follow up - Virtual Visit - $150
Remote session for return clients by video or phone. (45 min -1 hr)

Nicotine Cessation

Nicotine Cessation - In-Person - $349
In-person session to stop smoking, vaping, or chewing (90 mins-2 hrs)
Nicotine Cessation - Virtual Visit - $349
Remote visit by Zoom or phone to stop smoking, vaping or chewing (60-90 mins)

Professional Hypnotherapy Training and Mentoring

Hypnotherapy Training
Private hypnotherapy training
Professional Mentoring - 1 hr. (call for appointment)
Professional Mentoring for Certified Hypnotherapists (1 hr). Remote visit by phone or Zoom.
Directions 15110 Boones Ferry Road, Suite 300-D Lake Oswego, OR, USA
(503) 442-6221